Conquering the Final Frontier...
Recognitions & Awards
Individual members of the ISS Kidd may become eligible for a variety of STARFLEET awards.
Orders of Merit
For more information about Orders of Merit, please see information at SFI.ORG
Fleet-wide Ribbon Awards“Many overlapping awards between SFMC and SFSO have been consolidated, and many of those consolidations have been extended to the fleet as a whole. The following is a list of awards, from above, that anyone in the fleet may now earn.
● STARFLEET Cross (Use SFMC Ribbon) ● SFI Honor Guard (Use SFMC Ribbon) ● Great Barrier Expedition (Use SFMC Ribbon) ● Community Service Citation (Use SFMC Ribbon) ● Joint Service (Use SFSO Ribbon) ● Embassy Duty (Use SFMC Ribbon) ● Legion Of Arms (Use SFSO Ribbon) ● Medical Proficiency Award (Use SFSO Ribbon) ● Advanced Medical Proficiency Award (Use SFSO Ribbon) |
![]() The 340th Marine Strike Group, "The Time Keepers", started life as an independent Marine Expeditionary Unit in the Aerospace Branch of the STARFLEET Marine Corps. This proud unit is well-known for doing more than units with complements three to four times their size.
SFMC Recognitions & AwardsThe 340th MEU was awarded the Legion of Valor for the 2021 calendar year, as the outstanding STARFLEET Marine unit of Third Brigade.
At the unit level, the Marine Strike Group commander is authorized to award the following on a yearly basis: Cross of Gallantry (Bronze Cross) - This award is given to the marine, officer or enlisted, that most exemplifies the spirit, image and attitude of the SFMC within a particular marine unit (MSG or MEU); the one who sets the standard for personal conduct, appearance, motivation, dedicated service and esprit de corps for which all STARFLEET Marines in that unit strive. Sword of Gallantry 2021 for MEU 340: Sarah Hays Sword of Gallantry (Bronze Swords) - This award is given to the marine, officer or enlisted, that most exemplifies the spirit, image and attitude of the SFMC within a particular marine unit (MSG or MEU); the one who sets the standard for personal conduct, appearance, motivation, dedicated service and esprit de corps for which all STARFLEET Marines in that unit strive. Sword of Gallantry 2021 for MEU 340: Kelly Hays Sword of Gallantry 2021 for MSG 333: Tracy Clark Sword of Valor 2021 for 3BDE: Kelly Hays Shield of Gallantry (Bronze Hourglass) - This award is given to the Marine who has made the most significant personal impact in community service efforts within a particular Marine Unit (MSG or MEU). This effort does not necessarily have to be on behalf of a SFMC campaign effort, but financial donations are specifically excluded as the basis for eligibility. Volunteering your time and hard work counts; simply writing a check does not. Star of Gallantry (Bronze Star) - This award is given to the Marine NCO who most exemplifies the personal and professional standards of leadership valued by the NCO Corps of a Marine Unit (MSG or MEU). This Marine NCO has made a significant personal impact in community service efforts throughout their area, and through their actions and words, have provided the highest standard of guidance and leadership to their fellow Marines, setting a standard of excellence for other NCOs to follow. Leaders Commendation (LC) Issuing Authority: SFMC Unit OIC Frequency: As needed (one award per marine per year maximum) This award is given by a Unit OIC to a marine under his command who exemplifies meritorious service either by demonstrating consistently outstanding performance over time, or by performing a particular task or service to a high standard of excellence. Receipt of this award neither recommends the marine for, nor precludes him from, receiving additional recognition such as the Cross of Valor. LC 2021, MEU 340: Noble Hays |
"Of the Year" AwardsThe following annual awards are now available to Chapter Commanding Officers to award their crew, as part of the annual award system. Those respective awardees will then be sent to the Regional Coordinator for consideration at the Region level.