Ship's Articles -- Table of Contents
All references to people in this document are male for simplicity of language. There is no intention whatsoever to slight or accentuate any gender.
These articles describe the organization of the chapter, outline the ground rules upon which the club will be run, and provide orderly rules for the administration of the ship.
These articles describe the organization of the chapter, outline the ground rules upon which the club will be run, and provide orderly rules for the administration of the ship.
Article IV: Organization
"Real World"Chain of Command
The Kidd is not really a military organization, but we use a chain-of- command to streamline communications. If you have a problem or concern, please use the following chain-of-command:
Ship’s Organizational Structure Command Staff These people have the heaviest responsibilities relating to the smooth running of the ship. The Command Staff, consisting of the Captain, the First Officer, and the Loyalty Officer, ensures the Ship’s Articles and STARFLEET’s rules and regulations relating to the Ship are upheld. This is done by sending regular reports to STARFLEET, calling and conducting meetings, and assigning any duties not listed here. To avoid any appearance of favouritism or nepotism, the three members of the Command Staff should not be immediately related to one another (Spouse, parent, sibling, or child). Captain (Commanding Officer, Chapter President) Among other things, the Captain is responsible for keeping financial and personnel records of the ship. At his discretion, he may delegate these tasks to another officer, or even have a “Yeoman” perform these functions, but he remains responsible for them. First Officer (Executive Officer, Chapter Vice-President) The First Officer fills in for the Captain in his absence, serves as Chairman on the Promotion Board, and may be called upon to perform other functions as the Captain requires. If for some reason both the Captain and the First Officer are absent at a ship’s function, command resolves to the senior-ranking member present, unless the Captain has given “the Conn” to a specific member. The Captain and the First Officer do not belong to Divisions. The First Officer may or may not choose to have a Role-play ship’s position (Helmsman, Science Officer, etc.) as he desires. For more information about the offices of the Command Staff, see Article V. Communications Officer An officer, or a team of members, is responsible for the ship’s Newsletter (“Just Kidding!”), and the ship’s online presence (both web sites and social media). As this could be considered “Imperial Propaganda”, the Communications team reports to the Loyalty Officer. STARFLEET Marine Corps There will be a detachment of Marines on the ISS Kidd. As the STARFLEET Marine Corps has a Fleetwide presence, the leader of the Kidd’s Marine unit is a Senior Officer on the ship. They maintain their own ranking and order of command where it pertains to Marine business. However, if a situation involves crew members who are not Marines then it becomes a matter for the Command Staff. Marines will receive the same respect and privileges as anyone else on the Kidd as they are STARFLEET members who merely prefer a more military aspect to their role playing. Any International member of the ISS Kidd may become either an Active-Duty Marine or a Reserve Marine at his own discretion. A Marine may also avail himself of any roleplay position, or work at any duty station he is assigned, at his own discretion. The Marines may have a Vote of Confidence for the Marine Officer-In-Charge (OIC), following the procedures in Article VI. In order to run for or vote for the OIC, one must be a member of the Marine unit for at least three months prior to the election. The OIC may call for the election of the Deputy Officer-In-Charge (DOIC), or he may appoint his DOIC, at his discretion. Leadership in the Marines precludes leadership in another area of the ship: The Ship’s Captain has too much to do to also be the Marine Commander. At the discretion of the members of the other Departments, leaders of one department may be the leader of another. Military Assault Command Operations (MACO) or STARFLEET Special Operations (SFSO) There may be a team of STARFLEET M.A.C.O. or of the STARFLEET Special Operations (SFSO) on the ISS Kidd. As MACO/SFSO has a Fleetwide presence, the leader of the Kidd’s MACO unit or SFSO team is a Senior Officer on the ship. They will maintain their own ranking and chain of command where it pertains to STARFLEET Military Assault Command Operations or SFSO business. However, if a situation involves crew members who are M.A.C.O. members as well as crew members who are not, it then becomes a matter for the Command Staff. A MACO or SFSO member may also avail himself of any roleplay position, or work at any duty station he is assigned, at his own discretion. Any International member of the ISS Kidd may join MACO/SFSO if the ship has such a unit. M.A.C.O./SFSO may have a Vote of Confidence for the team leader (TL), following the procedures in Article VI. In order to run for or vote for the TL, one must be a member of the Marine unit for at least three months prior to the election. The TL may call for the election of the Assistant Team Leader (ATL), or he may appoint his ATL, at his discretion. As with the STARFLEET Marines, leadership in the M.A.C.O. does precludes being the ship’s Captain. The Ship’s Captain has too much to do to also be the SFSO or MACO team commander. At the discretion of the members of the other Departments, leaders of one department may be the leader of another. STARFLEET Medical There may be a team from STARFLEET Medical on the ISS Kidd. As STARFLEET Medical has a Fleetwide presence, the leader of the Kidd’s Medical unit is a Senior Officer on the ship. A member of STARFLEET Medical may also avail himself of any roleplay position, or work at any duty station he is assigned, at his own discretion. Any International member of the ISS Kidd may join STARFLEET Medical if he so desires The Kidd’s Medical team may have a Vote of Confidence for the Ship’s Chief Medical Officer (CMO), following the procedures in Article VI. In order to run for or vote for the OIC, one must be a member of the Medical team for at least three months prior to the election. The OIC may call for the election of a deputy, or he may appoint his DOIC, at his discretion. As with the STARFLEET Marines, leadership in the Ship’s STARFLEET Medical team. does preclude being the ship’s Captain. The Ship’s Captain has too much to do to also be the chief surgeon. At the discretion of the members of the other Departments, leaders of one department may be the leader of another. Other Auxiliary Departments As STARFLEET grows and matures, other Auxiliary Departments may be added, modified, or removed by STARFLEET. If there is interest on the Ship for one or more of these departments, Departments may be added to the Ship accordingly (i.e., the Diplomatic Corps, Corps of Engineers, etc) |
Listed below are some role-play “jobs.” These are only examples and are primarily for role-play purposes. Members are strongly encouraged to assume and develop a role, to enhance their “Star Trek” experience. Check with a Senior Officer for available roles. Also note that the division color is not a hard-and-fast rule; in Strange New Worlds, both the main Navigator and the main Helm Officer wear red shirts, whereas in The Original Series, those positions were usually manned by people wearing gold. COMMAND DIVISION (Gold) On ST: TOS, the Captain, helmsman, navigator, and many others usually wore gold-colored uniforms. Communications: Although Lt. Uhura, in ST: TOS, usually wore a red uniform, she wore a gold one in at least two episodes. Other communications officers in gold uniforms included Lt. Kevin Riley, and Lt. John Ferrell.
Gunnery Officers
Records Officer (for example, Commander Ben Finney, “Court Martial,” ST: TOS)
SCIENCE DIVISION (Blue Shirts) On Star Trek: The Original Series, scientists and medical personnel wore blue uniforms. Science Department
Medical Department (see STARFLEET Medical, left) Note: Role-playing as a member of the Medical Department of the ISS Kidd should in no way indicate real-world medical knowledge or skills. If you are a medical professional, use your own judgement – otherwise, you as a Kidd medical department member are specifically NOT responsible for medical advice and/or treatment. There is no shipboard alternative to professional services.
Note that STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. no longer has a “Chaplain Corps.” Anyone choosing to role play as a ship’s chaplain may do so with the approval of the Command Staff, but (like the Medical department) this position is STRICTLY role play and may not be used In Real Life. OPERATIONS DIVISION (Red Shirts) On ST: TOS, engineers, security, transporter operators, lawyers, and many others wore red-colored uniforms. Engineering