![]() FENCON 2022 Sheraton Hotel (D/FW North), Irving, TX The ISS Kidd was well represented at FenCon this year. (Left to right: Commander Tracy Clark, Rear Admiral Tank Clark, Colonel Sarah Hays, Colonel Kelly Hays, and Colonel Noble Hays.) FenCon is a fan-run convention, oriented towards literary work, incorporating both Science Fiction and Fantasy. The convention started on Friday, and ran through Sunday. On Saturday morning, Tank & Tracy ran (& were on) a well-received panel about Star Trek Uniforms. Members of the Kidd were also quite effective in the "Trivia with Tribbles" panel later on Saturday -- Tank getting 8 tribbles, and Sarah getting 3. STARFLEET Region 3 put on lots of panels, as well as hosting a great room party. It was wonderful to see so many of our STARFLEET friends, and it was great for this to be the first time the ISS Kidd participated in a Regional event. Glory to the Empire! Clark, commanding Kidd, out
![]() Stardate 0/2209.10, Decatur Public Library 1000 to 1400 hours RADM Clark and Cmdr Clark volunteered at the Decatur Public Library this weekend, running a D&D (5th Edition) one-shot game. In addition to the Kidd members, there were four players in attendance, who all seemed to enjoy the game tremendously. For the Empire! Clark, commanding Kidd, out. ![]() The glorious crew of ISS Kidd held our meeting from 1030 to 1230 on the first Saturday of the month. We met, as usual, both in person and online (via Discord). In attendance was Thomas & Tracy Clark, Perry Brulotte, Kelly & Sarah Hays, Noble Hays, and Cylinda Chaisson. The most important decision made was accepting the resignation of Sarah Hays as First Officer, and voting Cylinda in to replace her. The crew also agreed with me breveting Cylinda to Lieutenant Commander, pending her taking/passing OTS, OCC, and SFDPP. We discussed the upcoming FenCon landing party, as well as what the ship will count as volunteer work, as far as Experience Points are concerned. Additionally, we discussed the uniform style we're encouraging for the ship; the SNW/TOS style seems to be the favorite, and they look great -- both easily recognizable by "Muggles" as Star Trek, and easily customized for the members of the Starship Kidd. Glory to the Empire! Clark, commanding Kidd, out. ![]() Ship's General Meeting Online (Discord Server) and in-person (Decatur Public Library) 2208.06/1230 to 1400 hours The glorious crew of the ISS Kidd gathered in both electronic and physical formats for another fast-moving, yet fun, ship's meeting. We're still in the process of figuring things out, and making decisions about our various departments, future departments, and logistics. Next month's meeting will be held at the same location, but we'll be starting earlier -- at 1030 hours -- to allow a bit more discussion/fun time. Meanwhile the ship's shakedown is going quite well. We're currently at fifteen members, and we continue to follow leads and try to recruit. Mit Freunden Spaß Haben! Glory to the Empire! Clark, commanding Kidd, out. ![]() Stardate 0/2207.30 Natty Flatt BBQ, Mineral Wells, TX Members of ISS Kidd met with members of USS Diamondback and IKV SuvwI'ta' to celebrate A Good Day to Dine. The SuvwI'ta' hosts these GDtDs on the fifth Saturday of those months that have five Saturdays, at a location chosen by those in uniform at the event. This time, it was at Natty Flat BBQ in Mineral Wells (an area that doesnt currently have STARFLEET or KAG representation). The food was excellent, the company enjoyable. Several of the locals were interested in what we were doing, so discussions and ship's business cards were passed out. KIDD members present: MGN Tank Clark, CDR Tracy Clark, CDR Perry Brulotte (and his wife), COL Sarah Hays, and COL Kelly Hays Recruiting Meet-Up Decatur Public Library 1030 - 1330 The crew of the Starship Kidd returned to the Library on Saturday, 16 July 2022, in search of a larger crew. Crew in attendance included MGN Tank Clark, CDR Perry Brulotte, and CDR Tracy Clark. We had a few locals stop by, one of whom joined the ship! The library staff are awesome here, and are more than willing to help out in any way they can. The set up was grand, and they made every effort to support our blossoming chapter. We all eagerly anticipate our next meeting, on 6 Aug. (0/2208.06) For the Empire! Clark, commanding Kidd, out. ![]() Ship's Meeting, #00001 via Discord and at Decatur Public Library 12:30 In attendance today: Colonel Kelly Hays, Colonel Sarah Hays, Colonel Noble Hays, Commander Perry Brulotte, Commander Tracy Clark, Major General Tank Clark The glorious crew of the Starship Kidd met today to begin nailing down things in our wonderful new Larson-class destroyer. We started with a review of the history of our STARFLEET Marine unit, the 340th "Time Keepers". We have adjusted the unit to be a Marine Strike Group, as opposed to a Marine Expeditionary Unit, and we discussed the history of the 340th. The crew likes their first look at the Ship's Articles; we are looking at approving them by the end of the calendar year. Everyone seems to like the Experience Point system, especially as it will help us keep track of who did what where and at what time, to whom; this will make "-of the year" awards easier to award. We had a preliminary discussion about a ship's motto and slogan, but we all agreed we need more time to ponder the possibilities. Further discussion included what type of Auxiliary Departments (other than the SFMC) we want on board (SFSO/MACO, SF Medical, PetFleet, Corps of Engineers, etc); we discussed creating a standard ship's uniform (including rank insignia style -- I lean toward using Canon rank insignia for officers, SFMC/SFSO/MACO insignia for enlisted); and reviewed imagery available online. Our regular meetings will be on the first Saturday of each month, at 12:30 until 1400. For the Empire! Clark, commanding Kidd, out ![]() As of this date, I have submitted the paperwork for the Imperial StarShip Kidd, NX-4321. This should enable us to be launched in either June or July of 2022. If everything stays on schedule, we should be ready for our commissioning in March or April of 2023 (Stardate 0/2303 or 0/2304). I have a strong Command Staff and experienced officers, and I am looking forward to beginning a tour of duty on this tough little ship. Clark, commanding Kidd, out. |
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